by Irene Roth, Blog Editor/Writer
There are many benefits to living a re-focused kind of life. Take the time to find the positives. This is where developing a positive mindset comes in. Living with a chronic condition, such as fibromyalgia, can have benefits.
When I was first diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I’d go down negative vortexes of thought and emotion that made my life so much harder. It took me a long time to realize that I was hurting myself by allowing my negative thoughts and emotions to overpower the more rational and intuitive part of me. I felt cheated somehow. I wanted to do everything that I used to. But this was the wrong mindset to appropriate for me.
What I needed to do desperately is to listen to my body and slow down. But I fought this with all my might. I felt like a looser when I didn’t get a lot done. Little did I know, I was actually hurting myself physically but also psychologically in the process.
I viewed slowing down as a sign of weakness. I was brought up to keep going even when I wasn’t feeling well. I had to keep pushing through regardless. But this was detrimental of my overall health and well being.
I later learned that not only was slowing down not diminishing to me physically but it was an important part of accepting my fibro. Therefore, it was actually positive and in line with what I was going through at the time.
This was a huge aha moment for me. What I was brought up to believe was actually turned on its head. Slowing down can actually help me live better with my disease!
Here are some benefits to slowing down and changing my mindset that I learned the hard way.
- We’ll really notice so many things in our environment that we may have never seen, such as the deep purple carnations and petunias, the different shades of sunsets, the dew in the morning, the feeling of peace on rainy days, and so on.
- We’ll slow down. When we rush, we stress more.
- We’ll resist monkey mind which is where our thoughts run from one thing to the next unconsciously. Instead, we’ll focus on what we’re doing in each moment.
- We’ll stop focusing on what we can’t do and only on what we can.
- We’ll take things as they come and not overthink it.
- We’ll leave earlier for appointments and reduce our stress levels.
- We won’t push ourselves past your limits but honor them.
- We’ll listen and honor our beautiful body.
- We’ll take the time to take four or five deep breaths throughout the day.
By taking these steps to slow down, you will accept your fibromyalgia and live a good quality life. Further, you will take steps to reduce your pain and frustration levels by being mindful of your thoughts and attitudes towards your illness. Your mindset matters. The more positive you are, the better will your quality of life be.
That is so very true