Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your FULL Name *FirstLastYour Email Address *Your Contact Number *Is this contact number your *Cell/MobileLandlineYour Street Address including House/Apartment No. *City/Town In Which You Live *Province/Territory *Postal CodeI would like to register for the "Living A Health Life with Chronic Pain Workshop Series" Mar 27, Apr 3, 10, 17, 24 and May 1, 2025; 10am-12:30pm ETPlease select ONE session option only. By submitting this registration form, you are committing to attend ALL SIX SESSIONS unless you fall ill. NOTE: Where possible, we will strive to accommodate any special needs or accommodations requested. I am *a person living with fibromyalgiaa person living with chronic pain not caused by fibromyalgiaa person in interested in learning more about chronic pain, although I dot not have anyI would like to register for FM101: I've Been Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Now What 2-part SeminarPart 1: Tues, March 18 & Part 2: Tues, March 25; 3 to 5pm ETPart 1: Tues, May 20 & Part 2: Tues, May 27, 10am to 12pm ET FM101: Email am I am *a person living with fibromyalgiaa family member/caregiver of someone living with fibromyalgiaa person interested in learning more about fibromyalgia although I do not have itPlease Register My Guest Who Will Join Me In The Workshop Series and/or Seminar:FirstLastGuest EmailRelationship to Person with Fibromyalgia:Spouse/Partner/Significant OtherSon/DaughterFriend/Other CaregiverMy guest will join me for:Living A Health Life with Chronic Pain WorkshopFM101: I've Been Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Now What? SeminarPlease select all that apply to your guest's attendance.Questions, Comments or Message?Submit