Similar to keeping a diary, the practice of journalling has become an increasingly popular and beneficial way to help people better manage anxiety, stress and cope with depression. Journalling is a way of keeping a record of and tracking one’s thoughts feelings through everyday life. It can simply be the act of writing down your thoughts and feelings to understand them more clearly. It is an important tool to support our mental wellness. It helps us make a meaningful connection with ourselves, to express our inner thoughts and feelings, and discover what makes us tick, happy or upset.

Journalling helps control your symptoms and improve your mood by:

  • Helping you define and sort out problems, fears, and concerns
  • Tracking any symptoms day-to-day so that you can recognize triggers and learn ways to better control them
  • Providing an opportunity for positive self-talk and identifying negative thoughts and behaviors

When you have a problem and you’re stressed, keeping a journal can help you identify what’s causing that stress or anxiety. Once you’ve identified your stressors, you can work on a plan to resolve the problems and reduce your stress.

Journalling can also be a very creative and enjoyable exercise which also serves to reduce stress.



  • Moorea Seal started The 52 Lists Project.  You can find more about this by Googling “52 Lists” because sadly the website dedicated to this no longer exists.  If you go to you will see she has switched gears in life.  However, if you use Google or social media, try hashtags #52Lists or #52HappyLists or #52ListsProject you will find some great examples and other list prompts.  She is on Facebook at Moorea Seal and Instagram @52lists. Her “52 lists” journals are lovely and full of prompts. You can find many more journals these days with prepared prompts – check out places like Amazon and major bookstores.


  • What benefit(s) might I get from journaling?
  • Write down at least one thing per day for which you are thankful.
  • List the ways that you think someone you love would describe you OR write about it OR write a letter from them to you OR create a visual representation (draw, paint, collage with pictures/words/stickers, etc.) Ask a person you love to list their favourite elements of who you are and compare it to yours.  Don’t be shy; it will make them happy to tell you why they love you!! 
  • Find one or more quotes, lyrics, lines in books, poems, movies that resonate with you – why does it speak to you?  You may need to journal a bit to figure this out!
  •  A letter to yourself when you were first diagnosed with Fibro (or a comorbidity) sharing some wisdom about coming to terms with it/what you’ve learned about living with it.  (if your diagnosis is at least 2 years old)
  • A letter to another person about what they have meant to you.  (this person can be living or passed on)
  • A letter to COVID-19 about what lessons it has taught you.
  • Mindfully savour moments for which you are thankful e.g. first sip of coffee/tea, taste of something delish, snuggling with a pet or other loved one.  Then write about that experience.  
  • How might you want to use a journal specifically related to your hobby or passion, e.g., if you created a gardening journal?