Scroll to the bottom of this page and click the REGISTER button to sign up for the following workshops, seminars, and special events.
Learn to Take Control of Fibromyalgia,
Before It Takes Control of You”
–— Dr. Manfred Harth, MD FRCPC, Emeritus Professor of Medicine,
There is nothing more empowering than taking control of one’s health. One of the greatest tools available for any of us with a health condition is to do this through self-management where we can become the director of our own care. Self-management not only means being able to make informed, educated decisions, but also being able to manage one’s daily tasks to live well with one or more chronic conditions. It means having the skills and confidence to take charge of your medical needs, your everyday roles & responsibilities, and your emotions. As Rheumatologist, advocate, ally and medical researcher for Fibromyalgia, now retired Dr. Manfred Harth, regularly said to his patients, “Learn to take control of Fibromyalgia, before it takes control of you.”
Fibromyalgia Support Network is proud to be a community partner of the Southwest Self Management Program [SWSMP], offered through the South West Local Health Integration Network. Together, we are excited to offer those in the fibromyalgia community a six-part workshop series, LIVING A HEALTHY LIFE WITH CHRONIC PAIN. Priority will be given to those with a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia.
The VIRTUAL workshop sessions will be held live online. Each weekly 2.5 hour session will be delivered using Zoom which will bring together workshop participants and leaders for interactive learning sessions.
This workshop is running on the following dates from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm ET
This workshop is running on the following dates from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm ET
Join us for this interactive six-week education series that will focus on:
- better breathing, visualization, gentle stretching, meditation
- improved communication with health care providers to maximize your appointments
- better sleep, medication and symptom management
- tips to reduce inflammation
- strategies to manage fatigue, breakthrough and ongoing pain
- decision making, problem solving and so much more.
Through the practice of skills and tools, you will learn how to better care for yourself and your condition.
If you are living with chronic pain or are caring for someone living with chronic pain, seeking proven ways to make change, this workshop series is for you!
What you Will Need: Access to a computer, iPad, iPhone or android device with a webcam/video and audio in order to participate.
SWSMP also offers in-person and virtual programs for caregivers, health professionals and people who suffer from other chronic conditions. For more information, check out their website,
A peer-led seminar, held over two days, each for 2-2.5 hours, for anyone recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, wishing to refresh and update themselves of newer research, treatments and learn from others who walk a similar journey with you. We encourage spouses/partners or loved ones who provide care to someone with Fibromyalgia to consider attending so they too may learn and help become a better support person to their loved one with Fibromyalgia.