Supporting Ourselves by Sharing Our Stories with Others

The Fibromyalgia Support Network invites articles and personal stories from anyone living with Fibromyalgia and its comorbidities, caregivers, and medical/healthcare professionals which support patient education, raising awareness and advocacy for Fibromyalgia and its impact on daily living.  

We hope your submission will give HOPE, INSPIRATION, and MOTIVATION to those reading your stories through your authentic and honest voice of what it means to live with Fibromyalgia. More importantly, we hope your submission will give our readers COURAGE to keep living their best life, and especially to those who have been recently diagnosed with this often invisible and debilitating illness.

All submissions will become the property of the Fibromyalgia Support Network [FSN] and should not be duplicated elsewhere without the written permission of our organization.

Pseudo names are accepted; however, you will need to provide our Blog Editor, Irene Roth, with your full name, email address, mailing address, and contact number, for our administration files. If provided, we will include a brief biography of the contributing author as well as her profile picture with the submission.

The Blog Editor reserves the right to review and suggest edits or minor modifications to your story but will converse directly with you on these changes, subject to your approval.

Enquiries and story submissions should be sent to Irene Roth at